FC Celebrates ‘Purim in Asia’

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Children with special needs and their families, really did have a joyous Purim this year. The Friendship Circle of Brooklyn hosted its annual Purim Party on Sunday morning with over 120 children, siblings and parents in attendance.


Children and adults entered ‘Asia’, complete with oriental embroidered chinese lanterns, hand designed fans, vintage bamboo mats and special Chinese fortune cookies.


Face painting, Chinese themed photo booth,  instrument and lantern crafts got the crowd in the mood and the program off the ground. After opening remarks, the Megilla was read by Rabbi Shimon Sabel, with children participating in booing Haman and all evil.


What followed was an incredible Chinese acrobatic show. The energetic audience reacted with loud bursts of applause and “oohs and aahs” as Chinese Acrobat Xiao Di Yang demonstrated fascinating tricks of all kinds.


Culminating the event, each child went home with a beautifully wrapped Mishloach Manos – packed by the children of local Shul Chevra Ahavas Yisroel.


For the second year, the Friendship Circle teamed up with Lamplighters Yeshiva to offer home deliveries of Shalach Manos to children with special needs on purim, by their students. All children enjoy Shalach manos and the children at the Friendship Circle were able to enjoy it too. The Purim party and Mishloach Manos was sponsored in part by Mr. and Mrs. Zalman and Pessi Schochat, Mr. and Mrs. Shai and Brushie Denburg, and Mr. and Mrs. Eli and Lori Weinstock.

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