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Join Sibling Circle in a fun Motzei Shabbos Drum Circle!

Girls: February 9, 2019 – 3 Adar I Fathers and Sons: February 16, 2019 – 11 Adar I

-Fathers are invited to attend with their sons  -Dairy Melave Malka will be served

**This program is for typical siblings grades 3-7 only (Girls program extended to 2nd grade)


The Details:

Date: Saturday, February 9th (3 Adar I)
Time: 7:30 - 9:00 PM
Location: FC Social and Sensory Space
540 E. New York Ave, Brooklyn
Price: $5/person


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Saturday February 9th 2019

7:30 - 9:00 PM

540 E. New York Ave,
NY, 11225