Sensory Playroom – Eastern Parkway Location
The Friendship Circle hosts children in an incredible sensory room. This space is a haven for our children, where they can relax in a swing or hammock, read on comfy beanbags and play with wonderful toys, all of which help them improve their skills and abilities. The Sensory Playroom has also become a go-to location for children throughout the week; it is a place for them to spend quality time with their volunteers and friends.
The sensory room is available by appointment only. To schedule an appointment click here.
FC Social and Sensory Space – East New York Location
Thanks to the Arora Nash Charity Foundation and private donors, we are so proud to have opened our second Social and Sensory Space in 2018. Located at an accessible, convenient location, the Friendship Circle’s second Social and Sensory Space boasts a state-of-the-art sensory room where stimulation can be controlled, manipulated, intensified, or reduced.
Visits to the sensory room are available by appointment only. To schedule an appointment click here.