A Mother’s Thoughts About Her Daughter

Siblings of children with special needs now have their own support groups providing friendship, support and validation. By a mother who feels passionately about supporting her daughter and wants every...


Friendship Circle Showcasing Real Talent

Watch: The recent Friendship Circle of Brooklyn’s annual Soiree was an unforgettable evening, and it was the heartfelt performance by FC member Levi Harlig of an Avraham Fried classic that set the tone for...


Hundreds Attend ‘Art of Friendship’ Gallery Event

Hundreds of men, women and children visited the Friendship Circle of Brooklyn’s annual art gallery event, “The Art of Friendship: As You Are,” in collaboration with the Bear Givers Foundation....


Late-Night Shopping for Friendship Circle at 2 Kingston Avenue Shops

Pre Pesach in Crown Heights is always a blur of activity. Especially the clothing stores, as everyone tries to get themselves, and their children, fitted for new outfits. It can...


What touched us the most

Purim at Friendship Circle Brooklyn was filled with a massive event for 200+ people, private megillah readings for homebound children, TONS of volunteer engagement with our girls and Bochurim visiting their...


FC Purchases Center for Family and Friends

To our dear Brooklyn community, Over a decade ago, when we took over as Directors of the Friendship Circle of Brooklyn, we deeply questioned our decision. We always knew that...


FC Hosts Networking Event

When Special Parents drive in from places as far as Lakewood and Five Towns because they heard through the grapevine about this event, you know that what Friendship Circle is offering...


You didn’t hear it from us…!

We wanted to share this feedback with you from one of our volunteers’ Whatsapp Status. It’s pretty cool how impactful Friendship Circle is on both the members AND the volunteers...


Yud Tes Kislev Farbrengen with Friendship Circle

This past Thursday, over 80 boys with special needs and their volunteers gathered at the JCM to celebrate Yud-Tes Kislev. The boys created a Chanukah sand art project and enjoyed...


Friendship Circle Brooklyn Welcomes Volunteers at Events

“Have affection for a fellow-Jew and G‑d will have affection for you; do a kindness for a fellow-Jew and G‑d will do a kindness for you; befriend a fellow-Jew and...


Home at Last!

With gratitude to Hashem, and to the Rebbe for His incredible Brochos, we are thrilled to share that we have signed a contract to purchase a  future home and community...


Unplanned Camp Visit Delights Children with Special Needs

While Mrs. Chani Majesky was upstate speaking in numerous bungalow colonies at Friendship Circle’s annual package parties, she and her husband Rabbi Berel Majesky had a few hours to spare and...


FC Moms Celebrate with Garden Party

Raising a child takes a lot of work: making sure they receive the right education, make good friends, feeding them, and clothing them… it’s a lot. Now add a diagnosis...


“I can also be a Kol Hatorah Kid”

Story via Anash.org Yosef Yitzchak Handler, a member of Friendship Circle of Brooklyn, writes how he always wanted to join the Chidon, and what happened this year that made it...


Volunteer Appreciation Garden Party Inspires

Friendship Circle Brooklyn celebrated another full year of volunteering with a grand Appreciation Garden Party for their girls division. The setting was perfect. A large and airy outdoor space, beautiful...


Hundreds Attend Art of Freindship Hakhel Event

Hundreds of men, women and children visited the Friendship Circle of Brooklyn’s annual art gallery event, “A Hakhel Experience,” in collaboration with the Bear Givers Foundation. Children and young adults...


A Meaningful Purim with Friendship Circle of Brooklyn

The night before Purim Rabbi Berel Majesky made a call to a local residence we had just heard about, housing adults with special needs. “Can I lein Megilla for the...


Making Purim a Giving Experience

On a day like Purim, the reality of having a child attend a school out of Crown Heights hits hard. While most children have class meet ups, friends popping by,...


Friendship Circle Hosts Motzei Shabbos Hakhel

I walked into a room filled with families that have a child with special needs. I looked around and wondered to myself: “Why did all these people show up? We...


This mother was SHOCKED

These two 8th graders left the mother speechless. After all, she knows her daughter better than anyone else in the world. She knows what her daughter can achieve, and what to...


Not the Largest Menorah

At the annual Friendship Circle Brooklyn Chanuka party, the Menorah was not the largest. The crowd though, was! In the spirit of Hakhel, FC hosted the largest ever family Chanuka...


FC Holds Volunteer Orientation

Friendship Circle kicked off its Friends at Home program after Tishrei, with separate orientation events for their male and female high school aged volunteers. It’s hard to gauge the impact...


We couldn’t get a picture…

To these kids it was the most normal thing in the world. But when I walked in, I was moved to tears. A group of neuro-typical children were playing a...


Our Father, Our King

As the Aron opened, and the two Sifrei Torah came into view, a lump formed in my throat. “A King can only be a ruler, if He has a kingdom.”...


Summer Sensitivity Series Comes to Instagram

At the beginning of the summer, the Friendship Circle of Brooklyn took to social media to bust myths and create further understanding within the community. Hitting 10K views in a very...


Bochurim Celebrate a Year of Volunteering

To cap off a year of amazing programs at Friendship Circle, FC treated the Boys Division volunteers to a delicious end-of-year barbecue. The barbecue recognized the dedication of the volunteers...


Friendship Circle Brooklyn Volunteers Thanked at Garden Party

Friendship Circle Brooklyn celebrated another full year of volunteering with a grand Appreciation Garden Party for their girls division. The setting was perfect. A large and airy outdoor space, beautiful...


Hundreds Attend ‘Art of Friendship” Gallery Event

Hundreds of men, women and children visited the Friendship Circle of Brooklyn’s annual art gallery event, “The Art of Friendship: Land of Israel,” in collaboration with the Bear Givers Foundation....


“Applesauce! That’s what I want.”

“Applesauce! That’s what I want.” It was a week before Purim when we received a call asking what our son would enjoy in his Shalach Manos. For many mothers, this...


Holland? I wanted Italy!

“Welcome to Holland.” “Holland?!?” you say. “What do you mean Holland?? I signed up for Italy! I’m supposed to be in Italy. All my life I’ve dreamed of going to...


FCBK Celebrates Yud Shvat

Some young adults with special needs don’t have as many opportunities where they can feel like they are “one of the Bochurim,” as they attend schools or dayhabs outside of...


Large Party Celebrates “Thank You Hashem”

Photos by Andrea Scrivanich and Veronica On the first night of Chanukah, families at Friendship Circle of Brooklyn experienced a Chanukah like none other! After receiving their customized Thank You...


FCBKLN Celebrates Yud Tes Kislev

On Yud Tes Kislev, Friendship Circle of Brooklyn hosted a grand Farbrengen.  Boys with special needs and volunteers gathered to socialize, farbreng, and enjoy a delicious fleishig Seudah.  Rabbi Chaim...


FC Volunteer Orientation 5782

Friendship Circle of Brooklyn kicked off the year with a grand Volunteer Orientation for their girls’ division. At the “Say Cheese!” themed event, the volunteers were treated to dairy refreshment...


Kidpreneurs Experience the Gift of Giving

Friendship Circle of Brooklyn just concluded a week-long fundraising campaign which was, remarkably, conducted entirely by children. Some thirty five groups of children signed up to raise funds by running...


Friendship Circle Boy Volunteers End Year with BBQ

To end off a year of amazing programs at Friendship Circle, FC treated the Boys Division volunteers to an end-of-year barbeque. The dedicated volunteers use their one-hour dinner break to...


Friendship Circle Unveils Mural

This past Sunday, Friendship Circle of Brooklyn unveiled a new mural on the corner of Kingston and Lefferts Avenues. The entire community was invited to join the festivities. The mural is...


One Father, One Nation – VIDEO

One Father, One Nation ואב אחד לכולנה Join us on Sunday, June 6, 2021, as we celebrate friendship and unity on Kingston Avenue! Come by to experience the joy and...


Friendship Circle Support Groups Get an Upgrade

By Devora Korolitzky Being the parent of a child with special needs is not easy. From the endless appointments and the piles of paperwork to the emotional toll it takes...


Friendship Circle Families Receive Pesach Gifts

Friendship Circle of Brooklyn will be distributing Pesach gifts to FC families, including a Pesach crafts, and a case of wine sponsored by Wine by the Case. Mendel and Yuda Majesky, Shluchim...


Friendship Circle Thanks Crown Heights for Joyful Inclusive Purim

Dear Crown Heights community,   Purim at Friendship Circle is always a fun celebration, with silly costumes, exciting entertainment, and of course, delicious themed food. Every year, we make sure...


Teens Gather Online For a Fun Friendship Circle Workshop

Man plans, and Hashem plans better! This seems to be the theme these days. Well, who would have expected we would get a foot of snow this week? Thankfully, Friendship...


FC Hosts Outdoor Chanukah Party

Photos by Andrea Scrivanich and Rebecca Howard Every Chanukah, Friendship Circle of Brooklyn hosts a large Chanukah party and concert, exclusively for Friendship Circle of Brooklyn families. A frequently asked...


FC Toy Drive

It’s the first night of Chanukah, and hundreds of gorgeous bags with individually wrapped gifts are sitting under the glow of the Menorah. Friendship Circle of Brooklyn’s family Chanukah Party...


Rabbi Lazar Visits HASC in Crown Heights

This article was originally published on COL Russia’s Chief Rabbi Berel LAzar visited the residents of HASC Center’s Crwon Heights group home. Rabbi Lazar was welcomed by Mrs. Shmiel Kahn,...


Hechal Baal Shem Tov Shul is For and Run by Special People

Tables are spread out six feet apart, and the congregation is socially distanced. A few faces are covered in masks. The room is spacious, clean and airy; yet the atmosphere...


FC Volunteers are Essential Workers

Who has the authority to define the term an essential worker? Is this term coined for only medical professionals and government officials? The million dollar question is: do you view...


Friendship Circle’s Sukkos Gift Package

At Friendship Circle of Brooklyn, our minds are always whirling with new and innovative ideas to bring joy, love and support to our families. This year is unlike any other;...


Volunteer Appreciation

Friendship Circle of Brooklyn’s annual Volunteer Appreciation Event was all set in place, until corona hit. The FC team immediately switched gears and came up with innovative ways to thank...


Friendship Circle Offering Virtual Support

Friendship Circle of Brooklyn has rolled out a system to support their families during this challenging time. While most families are struggling with how to keep their kids entertained and...


Boys and Mothers Volunteer to Bring Purim Joy

It’s shortly before Purim and the frenzy has begun. Kids are perfecting their costumes and mothers are stressing about how they will get everything done on time… But one group...


Teen Volunteers Gather to ‘Redefine Friendship’

Friendship Circle of Brooklyn’s female volunteers gathered on Tuesday night to “Redefine Friendship.” This interactive workshop, led by Mrs. Menucha Cooper of Chabad of Malvern, Australia, taught the girls about the different...


Inclusive After School Clubs Back for Session 2

Friendship Circle of Brooklyn’s Inclusive After School Clubs are back for another session! Back by popular demand, these after school clubs give mainstream children an opportunity to join children with...


Friendship Circle Puts On Zumba Recital

The long and cold wintery Motzei Shabbosim can be dreaded by some. For others, it may mean nights out on the town, restaurant hopping and shopping. For the Young Adult...


Friendship Circle of Brooklyn Prints a Tanya

In his famous letter, the Baal Shem Tov writes to his brother in law that on Rosh Hashana 5507, he ascended to the heavenly worlds, eventually reaching the chamber of Moshiach. Upon meeting Moshiach he asked, “When...


Friendship Circle Meets Community Helpers

Have you ever heard the sound of wailing sirens and stopped to think about the incredible selfless individuals who risk their lives when heading to an emergency? At Friendship Circle...


VIDEO Chanukah 5780 with Benny Friedman

The Friendship Circle of Brooklyn hosted their largest Chanukah celebration ever for children and young adults with special needs and their families, with a special concert by singer Benny Friedman. Over...


The Largest Family Chanukah Event in Brooklyn

On the first night of Chanukah, Friendship Circle of Brooklyn families got a warm welcome as they walked into Bais Rivkah’s beautifully decorated Hall. The numbers this year far surpassed...


Friendship Circle Launches Annual Toy Drive

As our FC community grows each year, the number of toys distributed does too. Last year, Friendship Circle gave out almost 500 brand new toys. Each one accepted with much...


Special Moms Treated to Day-Long Retreat

Mothers of Friendship Circle of Brooklyn were pampered with a full day retreat right here in Brooklyn. Hosted at Chabad Heights, a full day’s program of inspiration for body and...


Friendship Circle Kicks Off Year’s Programs

Many Crown Heights high school students gathered for Friendship Circle of Brooklyn’s Annual Volunteer Kickoff. The girls were treated to a delectable, “dirty” fries bar with array of toppings and...


Frum Comedians to Perform in Crown Heights

Following its success in Montreal, for the first time ever, a group of Frum comedians are gathering to perform kosher comedy – improv style, in New York! The event, open...


Inclusive After-School Club Back for Third Year

Friendship Circle of Brooklyn’s Inclusive After School Clubs are back for a third year! Back by popular demand, these after school clubs give mainstream children an opportunity to join children...


Why I’m Not Writing a “Charidy Press Release” for Friendship Circle Brooklyn

If this were a typical campaign press release, I’d be sure to start off with the important stuff. Things like the date, the time, and how much we need all...


A Small Piece of Heaven

We recently released a new music video, starring the siblings of children with special needs, as well as highlighting a few of our past programs and events. Composed by Abie Rotenberg,...


Art of Friendship Gallery Wows

This past Sunday, the Friendship Circle of Brooklyn hosted their sixth annual “Art of Friendship” Gallery, featuring a stunning collection of artwork created by members of the organization. After many...


Friendship Circle Preps for Art Gallery Event

On April 29th, 2015 in the midst of the Baltimore riots, police decided to ban fans from entering the stadium. For the first time in history, a major league baseball...


Torah Celebrates Special Bar Mitzvah

A grand event was held Sunday to celebrate the completion of a new Torah, donated to the Friendship Circle of Brooklyn by Dovi and Racheli Chaimsonof Crown Heights. The Torah was dedicated in...


Mad Science Purim Fun at Friendship Circle: Purim in the Lab

There is never a quiet moment on Purim at the Friendship Circle of Brooklyn! Rabbi Berel and Chani Majesky and the rest of the FCBKLN staff worked round the clock to ensure a fantastic,...


Event Features Kosher Wine, Food

Over 50 kosher restaurants, wineries and distilleries were featured at the Crown Heights Wine & Food Festival. The festival, coordinated by Wine by the Case, a premier wine store on...


Networking Event for Parents of Children with Special Needs

A networking event on services, care and benefits for parents of children with special needs will take place in Crown Heights. As your friends worry about their children’s teachers, after...


YAD Girls Celebrate 6 Years of Zumba

At Friendship Circle of Brooklyn, Zumba is the young adult division’s most highly anticipated event of the week. With Zumba classes taking place on Motzei Shabbos winter nights, the evening...


Friendship Circle’s ‘New York’ Bash

It was a wet, rainy night on the first night of Chanukah, yet families with children with special needs got a warm welcome as they walked into Bais Rivkah’s beautifully...


Special Kids Build Own Menorahs

The Friendship Circle of Brooklyn’s Menorah Building workshop at the Home Depot was filled to capacity with over 100 in attendance. The Home Depot on Hamilton Avenue closed off their...


Special Moms Treated to Night Out

40 women gathered on Motzei Shabbos for a special program for mothers active with Friendship Circle of Brooklyn and in conjunction with Yaldei Shluchei Harebbe. With a screening of a...


Zusha Performs in Crown Heights

Zusha, world-famous Chassidic folk band, performed in Crown Heights this past Motzei Shabbos. Zusha played for a packed house inspiring the crowd through their original tunes and soulful melodies. The...


FC Boys Volunteers Kick Off Year

On a beautiful Tuesday evening, a record number of Bochurim from the local Yeshiva Gedolos gathered at the JCM for an incredible Volunteer Kickoff. The Friendship Circle gives these Bochurim...


Students Eager to Volunteer

Just a few days after the hectic Tishrei schedule came to an end, many Crown Heights high school students gathered for Friendship Circle Brooklyn’s Annual Volunteer Kickoff. The only program...


FC Begins Year with “Block Party”

As everyone said goodbye to summer and sent their kids off to school, Friendship Circle of Brooklyn started their year off with a bang, enjoying the last licks of warmth...


Kettle and Cord Readies for Tishrei

Tishrei is a busy time for everyone, so Kettle & Cord has planned an array of exciting in-store offerings to help people during the Yom Tov season. YAD Girls of...


Friendship Circle Raising $180K

FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE BROOKLYN WANTS YOU TO MEET THE REAL ME – In Bonus Round! Friendship Circle Brooklyn ran its This Is Me campaign in celebration and support of the many...


Take It To the Streets!

This article was written by Miriam Brosseau for Charidy.com’s Blog. The average American is seeing between 4000 and 10000 ads…a day. That’s a lot of messaging to cut through. How does your...


Song Honors Friendship Circle

In honor of Friendship Circle Brooklyn’s This Is Me campaign, Crown Heights based singer-songwriter, Mendel Goldman, has released a heartfelt single featuring Menachem Weinstein. The song, “Like Me,” captures the universal human...


Friendship Circle Kicks Of Summer with Boating Trip

On a bright Sunday morning, families part of Friendship Circle of Brooklyn kicked off the start of summer with a fantastic kayaking adventure on the Hudson River. Families enjoyed boating...


Special Artists Stun the Crowd

This past Sunday, the Friendship Circle of Brooklyn hosted their fifth annual “Art of Friendship” Gallery, featuring a stunning collection of artwork created by members of the organization. After many...


Bentcher Set Features Special Art

 A limited edition set of “Bentchers” featuring artwork by children and young adults with special needs, has been printed and available for sale at the Friendship Circle’s upcoming art show....


Friendship Circle to Showcase Art

Friendship Circle of Brooklyn is partnering once again with the Bear Givers Foundation to host their annual Art of Friendship Gallery. The children with special needs will have a chance...


High School Volunteers Thanked

140 high school girls and their proud mothers came together at the JCM to salute the girls’ hard work and dedication to the Friendship Circle of Brooklyn. Beautiful decor and...


Torah Marks Boy’s Bar Mitzvah

Crown Heights residents Dovi and Racheli Chaimson have commisioned a new Sefer Torah to be written in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Baruch Schneur. Family, friends and...


Parents Enjoy Get Together at “The Space”

Parents of children with special needs had the opportunity to get together for a relaxing evening at Friendship Circle of Brooklyn’s Social and Sensory Space. The space, home to FCBKLN’s...


Friendship Circle Gives Boys “Open Mic”

The YAD Boys Division gathered in the JCM for a special evening of live music, dancing, and a talent showcase. The program began with a performance with guest musician Shmuly...


Tropical Purim at Friendship Circle

There was never a quiet moment on Purim at the Friendship Circle of Brooklyn! Rabbi Berel and Chani Majesky worked round the clock to ensure a fantastic, amazing, and happy Purim for all the...


Friendship Circle Hosts First Pre-Purim Carnival

A week before Purim, Friendship Circle of Brooklyn held their first ever Pre-Purim Carnival for their F@H participants, led by an amazing team of dedicated volunteers and high school presidents....


Session Two for After School Clubs

Friendship Circle of Brooklyn has opened registration for Session Two of its after school clubs for girls and boys of all abilities. After running a successful pilot program, the Friendship...


FC Boys Farbreng for Tu Bshvat

On the day after Tu B’shvat, the Boys Division of Friendship Circle gathered at the JCM for an inspiring Farbrengen. The boys participated in various activities that represented the many...


Friendship Circle Hosts Zumba Recital

A Motzei Shabbos in the winter may seem to drag on and on, but for a group of young women with special needs, it never seems long enough. The Friendship...


FC Joins for Cooking Demo Event

Mothers and daughters of the Friendship Circle of Brooklyn community gathered on Motzei Shabbos for a unique Cooking Demo by Sylvia Fallas of Cooking for my People. The Demo provided...


Chanukah Bash With 8th Day

It was a cold winter night on the second night of Chanukah. Families with children with special needs got a warm welcome as they walked into a beautifully decorated Rosa...


A ‘Special’ 19 Kislev Farbrengen

Over 50 boys and Bochurim of Friendship Circle Brooklyn’s Boys Division gathered at the Jewish Children’s Museum for a special Farbrengen. First, the boys ate a delicious pizza supper as...


Menorahs Built at Home Depot

The Friendship Circle of Brooklyn’s Menorah Building workshop at the Home Depot was filled to capacity with over 120 in attendance. The Home Depot on Hamilton Avenue closed off their...


No School, Friendship Circle’s Open

School was closed, but The Friendship Circle of Brooklyn was wide open. The Friendship Circle of Brooklyn took a full bus of children and volunteers on a special outing on...


FC Alumni and Friends Step Up

A group of young women attended the kickoff event for Friendship Circle of Brooklyn’s newest branch – Alumni and Friends. Introducing Friendship Circle of Brooklyn’s Newest Branch: Alumni and Friends....


Adoptive Mother to Two Children with Down Syndrome

This article was written by Miriam Karp for TheJewishWoman.org Meet Yaffa Leba Gottlieb. Her petite status and soft voice belie her giant spirit. Yaffa is a creative, quietly confident maverick....


Time Out for Moms of Special Kids

40 women gathered on Sunday morning for a special program for Friendship Circle mothers, held at the ’94 Shul in Crown Heights. With three highly sought out speakers, the women...


After-School Club Will Be Inclusive

For the first time ever, Friendship Circle of Brooklyn will be offering two after school clubs for boys and girls, starting this Tuesday. Both sessions will foster an inclusive environment...


FC Boys Volunteers Kicks Off Year

Last Monday, Yeshiva students in Crown Heights gathered at the Jewish Children’s Museum for Friendship Circle Brooklyn’s Annual Volunteer Kickoff. “This year, we are so fortunate to have a large...


FC Kicks Off Year of Programs

Only one week into the school year, 200 Crown Heights high school girls gathered for Friendship Circle Brooklyn’s Annual Volunteer Kickoff. Girls from four local high schools, Bais Rivkah, Bnos...


A Sparkling Wedding Miracle

This article was written by Nina Glick for the Jewish Link of New Jersey Photo by Three Star Photographers In this community, many have the good fortune of being invited...


Special Artists Stun the Crowd

The “Art of Friendship” featuring original artwork created by the children and young adults of the Friendship Circle of Brooklyn was open this past Sunday. After many months of working...


Parade Inclusive of Special Needs

On Sunday, May 14th, 2017 Jews worldwide celebrated Lag Baomer, a day celebrating the life and learning of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai and Rabbi Akiva. In Brooklyn, New York, a...


Capturing the Perfect Image

Photographer Chaim Perl led an art workshop for boys of the Friendship Circle of Brooklyn, who each created visual masterpieces of their own. Chaim Perl stepped out from behind his...


Friendship Circle Hosts Networking Night

Parents and caregivers of individuals with special needs gathered to listen, learn and be inspired at the Friendship Circle of Brooklyn’s Networking Night. Round table workshops are the new and...


Show to Feature Silkscreen Art

Children of the Friendship Circle of Brooklyn have created a colorful Aleph Bais Collection of silk screen art, to be showcased at the Art of Friendship Gallery event. The “ooh’s”...


FC Volunteers Shown Appreciation

170 girls and their proud mothers came together at the JCM last week to salute the work and dedication of the volunteers this past year. The guests were welcomed with...


FC Young Adults Learn Photography

Leading photographer Chana Blumes gave a hands on workshop for young adults with special needs in preparation for the Friendship Circle’s annual Art of Friendship “Gallery and Gala” event. Coming...


Night Out for FC Parents

As far as super-parents go, the Friendship Circle parent body tops the list. As part of their ongoing mission to offer respite to their parents, the Friendship Circle of Brooklyn...


FC Celebrates ‘Purim in Asia’

Children with special needs and their families, really did have a joyous Purim this year. The Friendship Circle of Brooklyn hosted its annual Purim Party on Sunday morning with over...


Volunteers Night on the Town

Volunteers for the Friendship Circle of Brooklyn gathered for an evening of fun and inspiration enjoying food and a game show. This week our volunteers joined together for an evening...


Friendship Circle Puts on Recital

A winter Motzei Shabbos may seem to drag on and on, but for a group of young woman with special needs, it never seemed long enough. The Friendship Circle of...


Innovative AfterSchool Program brings 8- to 10-year-olds together

‘There Are No Kids With Special Needs Here’ Innovative afterschool program brings 8- to 10-year-olds together Written for Chabad.org by Shmuel Loebenstein   Crêpes will burn if you don’t pour the...


French Twins Entertain FC Party

Children with special needs and their families gathered for the Friendship Circle of Brooklyn’s annual Chanukah celebration with the Twins from France. Children with special needs and their families gathered...


FC Brooklyn Joins For Farbrengen

The boys division of the Friendship Circle of Brooklyn got together to celebrate the auspicious month of Kislev with a Farbrengen and pre-Chanukah Party. The program opened with a two...


Menorah Workshop at Home Depot

Last Sunday, the Friendship Circle of Brooklyn’s Menorah Building workshop at the Home Depot was filled to capacity with over 150 in attendance. The Home Depot on Hamilton Avenue closed...


Bochurim Kick Off Volunteering

Local Bochurim have given up the one hour a week of what they have for “themselves” and are volunteering for the Friendship Circle. The Friendship Circle’s Boy’s division – Boys...


Levi’s Bar Mitzvah With His Family

The Friendship Circle of Brooklyn recently celebrated the Bar Mitzvah of a family member. Levi, who is a proud member of FC and joins the weekly Shabbos Minyan, recently had...


FC Volunteers Kick Off Year

300 Crown Heights high school girls gathered for their annual Friendship Circle volunteer kickoff event. Only a week into the school year, close to 300 Crown Heights high school girls...


Special Art Shows in Crown Heights

Hundreds attended the Art of Friendship gallery event by the Friendship Circle of Brooklyn Sunday, viewing original art created by children with special needs. The “Art of Friendship” featuring original...


Mom’s Enjoy Night Out in Brooklyn

Mothers of children with special needs in Crown Heights were treated to a night out in the town with food, fun and music. The Friendship Circle of Brooklyn treated their...


Friendship Circle’s Lag Baomer Fun

Lag Baomer was celebrated with two highly-energized programs at the Friendship Circle of Brooklyn. Lag Baomer was celebrated with two highly-energized programs at the Friendship Circle of Brooklyn. The Young...


Boys Create Mosaics with Muchnik

Ahead of their upcoming Art Show, boys of the Friendship Circle of Brooklyn participated in a Mosiac Workshop with renowned Chassidic artist Michoel Muchnik. At the Friendship Circle of Brooklyn,...


Show to Feature Watercolor Art

The Friendship Circle’s Art of Friendship gallery event will once again feature the craft of water-coloring by award winning artist Mrs. Estee Schneerson. The “ooh’s” and “aaah’s” at last years...


FC Volunteers Thanked at Event

170 volunteers of the Friendship Circle of Brooklyn gathered with their proud mothers for an end of year appreciation event. 170 volunteers of the Friendship Circle of Brooklyn gathered with...


Art Show Gala to Display Ceramics

This year’s Friendship Circle’s Art Show Gala will feature both art and ceramic pieces created by children with special needs. Coming off of last year’s tremendously successful “Gallery and Gala”,...


Joyous Purim Under the Sea

120 children, siblings and parents attended a joyful Purim party at the Friendship Circle of Brooklyn. Children with special needs and their families, really did have a joyous Purim this...


Friendship Circle Open Mic Night

Boys of the Friendship Circle of Brooklyn danced away at an open mic night in celebrating the joyous month of Adar II. The YAD – Boys of the Friendship Circle...


Volunteers Treated to Night Out

Volunteers of the Friendship Circle of Brooklyn were treated to a night out with a Pizza Parlor and inspiring words from those impacted by the organization. This week the Friendship...


Unity Hahkel at the Friendship Circle

Friendship Circle of Brooklyn families gathered for a special Hakhel unity event with Mitzvah Boulevard characters and renowned storyteller Yitzi Erps. Friendship Circle of Brooklyn families joined together for an...


Parents Treated to Comedy Night

Parents of children with special needs in Crown Heights enjoyed an hilarious comedy evening with delicious food and music. As far as super-parents go, the Friendship Circle parent body tops...


Friendship Circle Marks Yud Shvat

The Boys Division of Friendship Circle of Brooklyn gathered for a special Farbrengen in honor of Yud Shvat. The boys division of the Friendship Circle of Brooklyn, which includes boys...


Zumba Recital at The Friendship Circle

A winter Motzei Shabbos may seem to drag on and on, but for a group of young woman with special needs, it never seemed long enough. The Friendship Circle of...


Winter Camp Fun For Special Kids

While many in the Frum community may not have taken notice, there are many that have been off these past two weeks. For children with special needs who are off...


A Special Time For Siblings

New for this year, the Friendship Circle of Brooklyn held the Sib’s Circle kickoff event. At Sibs Circle, siblings of children with special needs get together for their own special...


Veteran’s Day at PacPlex

While many in the religious community may not have taken notice, many public and Well, the The Friendship Circle of Brooklyn treated a group of children with special needs for an...


Zumba Recital at Friendship Circle

Teens and Twenties at the Friendship Circle of Crown Heights put on a Zumba recital for volunteers and proud parents. A winter Motzei Shabbos may seem to drag on and...


Friendship Circle Marks Yud Shvat

The Friendship Circle of Brooklyn hosted a grand Yud Shvat Farbrengen for its Boys Divison with speaker Rabbi Chaim Majesky. The Friendship Circle of Brooklyn, under the direction of RabbiBerel and Chani Majesky,...


Special Needs Attend Winter Camp

The Friendship Circle of Brooklyn held a Winter Camp for children with special needs who have time off from school. While most children may still be in school, there are...


An exciting new Zumba class in Crown Heights will be geared for young women with special needs.

This winter, the long Motzei Shabbosim will no longer be a drag for young ladies with special needs in Brooklyn. For the first time ever, the Teens & Twenties division...
