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We are printing a Tanya!

All FC families are invited to come together to learn the first few lines, and watch as we begin printing this special Tanya!

Why print a Tanya?

In his famous letter the Baal Shem Tov writes to his brother in law, that on Rosh Hashana 5507, he ascended to the heavenly worlds, eventually reaching the chamber of Moshiach. Upon meeting Moshiach he asked, “When will you finally redeem our people?” The answer given has inspired Chassidim for generations: “לכשיפוצו מעיינותיך חוצה” “When the wellsprings of your teaching (the study of Chassidus) spread forth throughout the world.”

In the year 5744, on the Shabbos preceding Yud Shvat, our Rebbe launched a unique call to action – bring the “well” the water source itself, to every corner of the world! The Rebbe explained how the book of “Tanya Kadisha” the foundation of Chabad Chassidus, focuses on the basic concept of “כי קרוב אליך הדבר מאוד”, how anyone can connect to Hashem in a very real, tangible and attainable way, and that printing and learning the Tanya in every community and town brings this concept of the world being close to Hashem – to the world itself!

Since then, the Tanya has been printed over 7000 times (!) in communities, towns and villages across the world. From the war torn battle front of Lebanon to US Navy warships. Each printing, with its own unique story and purpose, each dedicated by groups and individuals who recommit their lives to serving Hashem in their own unique way.

In following the Rebbe’s directive, and in line with the overall mission of Friendship Circle, which is at the very heart of the Tanya – Chapter 32 – פרק ל”ב –  לכן נקראו כל ישראל אחים ממש מצד שורש נפשם בה׳ אחד – “we are all equal, for we have but one father”, – we are endeavoring to unite all of the families in the Friendship Circle community by participating in a printing of the Tanya, for the families/by the families of Friendship Circle!

At the recent FC Moms Conference, the single statement repeated by all presenters throughout the day, no matter the subject of the workshop, always returned to the same core:  “מ’איז פארבונדן אויבן אט דעמולט פאלט מען ניט אונטן” “when we are connected above, then nothing can pull us down.” By connecting to our life source, to Torah, to the study of Chassidus, we will have the strength to forge forward, creating a vessel for Hashem’s Brochos.  

The Rebbe spoke highly and gave Brochos to those who participated in these printings; it is our hope and prayer that our Rebbe’s Brochos will be bestowed upon ALL the families of the Friendship Circle, blessing them with success in all areas of their lives.

In the spirit of unity, we are asking for a nominal contribution of $5.00 per family. All those that wish to take part will have their family members names printed in the back, and will receive a copy of this special Tanya for your home.

The Details:

Date: Sunday, January 19th (22 Teves)
Time: 5:00 - 6:00 PM
Location: FC Social and Sensory Space
540 E. New York Ave, Brooklyn
Price: $5/Family


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Sunday January 19th 2020

5:00 - 6:00 PM

540 E. New York Ave,
NY, 11225