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Join together with your friends and colleagues for the Eleventh Annual
Young Men’s Social
An evening to benefit the programs and activities that enhance the quality of life of individuals with special needs and their families.
Sara’s Cheerleaders
What Friendship Circle means to me: A Dad’s Experience
Yoely Lebovits accompanied by Grammy Award-Winning Artist Frank London,
Zevy Zions and the Klezmer Quartet
Meat: Grilled & Dried
Drinks: Smooth & Smoky

The Details:

Date: Thursday, February 23rd (2 Adar 5783)
Time: 8:00 PM
Location: Jewish Children's Museum
792 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn
Price: $125 in advance | $150 at the door


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Thursday February 23rd 2023

8:00 PM

792 Eastern Parkway,
NY, 11213