Friendship Circle Hosts Zumba Recital

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A Motzei Shabbos in the winter may seem to drag on and on, but for a group of young women with special needs, it never seems long enough.

The Friendship Circle of Brooklyn’s Young Adult Division (Girls) recently celebrated their fifth year of their winter Motzei Shabbos Zumba fitness workshop. Under the direction of Mushki Tenenbaum and Zumba instructor Numi Perla, 40 girls got together every Saturday evening for sixty minutes of ‘non-stop’ dance and exercise.

The final weekend culminated in a recital and Melave Malka for all mothers. As the program began, the girls performed their rehearsed songs and dances. Then, everyone gathered in a large circle and tried to follow along as each girl got the chance to show off her own freestyle dance moves in the center! It was a remarkable sight, watching the girls in action!

Mrs. Chani Majesky, director of the Friendship Circle, shared some inspirational words as gifts were presented to the volunteers and coordinators.

Photos by Brandon Luckain

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