The long and cold wintery Motzei Shabbosim can be dreaded by some. For others, it may mean nights out on the town, restaurant hopping and shopping.
For the Young Adult Division at the Friendship Circle of Brooklyn, it means the opportunity to socialize, exercise and have plenty of FUN. The girls get a chance to learn and teach their own unique dance moves together with their friends. Steps and positions are perfected, beats are drummed to, and song lyrics are hummed as the girls all move gracefully in synchrony.
This past Motzei Shabbos, the girls celebrated the culmination of many weeks of practice and invited their mothers to shep nachas as they watched their daughters live their dream and perform at the annual Recital.
The guests were treated to a light buffet of a delicious assortment of drinks, pastries, and a delectable make your own S’mores bar! The girls took a quick bite and bounced to the dance floor. The girls’ faces glowed as they entered the circle, ready to perform. After performing the moves they had rehearsed, each girl got a turn to lead. A surprise gift of an engraved trophy was presented to each of the dancers. Mrs. Chani Majesky, director of FC, shared a Dvar Torah and thanked the volunteers for giving it their all each week. The night ended with a video presentation of the girls sharing their favorite part of this Zumba program.
Thank you to Numi Perla for instructing the classes, Jana Forma for coordinating all the details, and to our volunteers for helping make this dream possible!