Friendship Circle of Brooklyn is partnering once again with the Bear Givers Foundation to host their annual Art of Friendship Gallery. The children with special needs will have a chance to be in the spotlight and showcase their beautiful masterpieces.
Coming off of last year’s tremendously successful Art Gallery, the Friendship Circle of Brooklyn, under the direction of Rabbi Berel and Chani Majesky, is looking forward to hosting the 5th Annual Art of Friendship on Sunday, June 3, 2018.
Nearly one year ago, the community came out in droves in support of the organization and children with special needs. The benefits of this event are twofold: offering the children with special needs the opportunity to be the spotlight, and show off their creativity and talent while also allowing the children see their pieces being sold with all proceeds going directly to a cause that they want to see grow and expand.
In the spirit of keeping things fresh and exciting, the gallery will feature masterpieces all in the theme of Shabbos. The children involved in the Friends at Home program got together to show their creativity as they used paint and paintbrush, q-tips and tape to create their masterpieces, displaying the words “Eishes Chayil”, in honor of all their super-mothers.
The boys division transformed
an ordinary piece of wood into magnificent Challah Boards. They first chose the photo and phrase with which to decorate their wood and slowly traced their designs. Then, the boys carefully engraved their boards with a wood burning tool to transform the wood into beautiful Challah Boards!
The girls division created beautiful candlesticks to adorn your Shabbos table. Everyone’s creativity shone as one by one, the girls added beautiful designs to their candlesticks. For a classic touch, the girls had the option to add a string of shiny pearls around the neck of the candlesticks. Some chose to freehand the designs, while others chose to use stencils.
The Friendship Circle will be selling these pieces at ‘The Art of Friendship’ event on Sunday, June 3, 2018.
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