While the Pegisha welcomed thousands of college students to our neighborhood, this very same weekend, Friendship Circle of Brooklyn welcomed its volunteer teen girls to its brand new Center for a SOULful Friday night program.With RSVP’s still flowing in till moments before the program began, the room was packed with High school girls as they were welcomed in to a display of sushi, personalized name tags and warm welcomes from their high school presidents.
Giving Tzedaka before ushering in Shabbos, rows of chairs were set up for an interactive activity to get to know one another. Coming from a variety of schools and grades, “speed dating” with prompt questions had the girls chatting excitedly to one another.
Program then led into Kabolas Shabbos, led by Beis Rivkah 12th graders Aidel and Yehudis Heller who have volunteered consecutively for three years with the same family.
As the girls moved in to the Mussie Sputz Social Hall they were met by gorgeously set tables. The girls found their seats and the Seudah began. Imagine singing with so many HS students – Shalom Aleichem and Aishes Chayil rang through the room. Dvar Torah was shared by Soshy Wagner – a Bnos Menachem volunteer. The girls warmly welcomed FC mother Mrs Dina Sasonkin, and were humbled by her story and her strength. She shared about the impact of her FC volunteers over the years, the connections they made and how instrumental they were to her son’s social life and growth. The Niggun of Anim Zemiros floated through the room, followed by many loved camp songs.
The girls got into it (and can we even say competitive?) with a Napkin Game as statements were read out that the girls could choose to agree or disagree with. Lots of laughter and chatter could be heard.
Rabbi Berel and Chani Majesky led the girls in a Farbrengen, as the girls enjoyed a full dessert spread. They spoke about the importance of Showing Up for another Yid, and the impact that it has on each volunteer when they put their heart into what they are doing. They shared about the material and spiritual rewards that come to those who invest in community and especially in giving love of this kind.
The feedback that came right after Shabbos from both the volunteers and their parents, was a testament to what an incredible program this was:
“Thank you so much for the program last night it was so nice! I really liked the speed dating game and everything was set up and planned so well! It was really cool also to get to know different volunteers! And the new space is so so cool I can’t wait for more programs there!”
“She came back on a high. Such a beautiful thing for our girls.”
“Thank you so much for such a nice program! I had such a good time, it was planned out so nicely and fun;) thank you!”
Thank you to Volunteer Coordinator Leah Haor, School Presidents Chaya Rimler, Sara Goldstein, Bailey Raitport, Rochelle Hertzel and Gnesha Shapiro for pulling off this entire program (with all the small details!)
Thank you to the many community members who contributed and made this all possible.