Lag Baomer was celebrated with two highly-energized programs at the Friendship Circle of Brooklyn.
Lag Baomer was celebrated with two highly-energized programs at the Friendship Circle of Brooklyn.
The Young Adult Division (YAD) Boys got together for a hearty BBQ and festive dance-off hosted at the Eichorn residence in Crown Heights. They enjoyed spending quality time, sharing stories, singing and dancing to their favorite Jewish songs – led by FC Director Berel Majesky. The guys all went home uplifted and in the best of spirits.
On the other side of Brooklyn, the young ladies of YAD – Girls got together at the Friedman’s home in Flatbush. Beautifully set up and gorgeous weather put the girls in the perfect mood for a night out. The girls gathered around the warmth of the burning bonfire, enjoyed a Kumzitz, great food and drinks, and socializing with one another.
The girls concluded with a joyus birthday party for one of the participants with yummy treats, party hats and spontaneous ZUMBA dancing.
A big thank you to Yossi Smoller (Boys) and Faige Jeidel (Girls) for planning and executing such beautiful events; and to the Eichorn and Friedman families for hosting.
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