Friendship Circle of Brooklyn’s female volunteers gathered on Tuesday night to “Redefine Friendship.” This interactive workshop, led by Mrs. Menucha Cooper of Chabad of Malvern, Australia, taught the girls about the different types of friends. She spoke about how the girls can radiate positivity in their relationships, how they can be better friends, and about the Rebbe‘s view on loving people unconditionally.
The evening began with a workshop, where some girls were called up to read comments on notecards, detailing one person’s life story. There were two sets of cards, detailing two very different ways a person can react to the situations. One set of cards highlighted a narrative that was nagging and negative, while the other showed a more positive, upbeat road. The workshop demonstrated how important it is to speak in a way that uplifts and energizes; positive language literally has the power to make a child believe in themself.
The girls then delved into five different kinds of traits a person can find in a good friend. Every person has the ability to invest and upkeep many relationships. These tools can be applied to a spouse, boss, neighbor, child, siblings, classmates, and teachers. It should be in everyone’s best interest to keep striving to be a better friend than yesterday.
The volunteers then paired up with someone in the room whom they did not know at all, and learned some new things about each other. A discussion ensued as girls shared some deep and personal answers.
Menucha Cooper shared her personal journey as a mother of a son with special needs. She spoke about how important it is that she has her friendships and community to lean on; their help and support are invaluable as her family continues on this journey.
Is there a friend you have lost touch with? Does someone need your help in any way? Is there a relationship you can shift into a happier, safer, and more unconditional friendship? Act now and make the world a happier and friendlier place!