Friendship Circle of Brooklyn families gathered for a special Hakhel unity event with Mitzvah Boulevard characters and renowned storyteller Yitzi Erps.
Friendship Circle of Brooklyn families joined together for an evening of unity. A crowd of over 100 people spilled into the Friendship Circle’s ‘Living room’ for a unique Hakhel event. “It was a true celebration of community,” says director Mrs. Chani Majesky.
Among the evening’s highlights was a Havdalah ceremony and presentation given by legendary cantor, Chazzan Chaim Feivish and Chef Leibish Lokshin of Mitzvah Boulevard, preceded by a class on what it takes to “make” Havdala. All in attendance were privileged to make a bracha on Besamim that the Rebbe used. Havdalah was followed by a thrilling story of the Baal Shem tov by world renowned storyteller Rabbi Yitzi Erps.
The evening included a number of specially prepared ‘havdalah themed’ crafts for the children to make, and a Havdala card as a keepsake from the wonderful Hakhel event.
Special thanks to Dudi Farkash and Family for co-sponsoring the evening.
A big thank you to FC staff members Mushki Tenenbaum andSheina Chincholker for planning and executing a beautiful night; and to Chaim and Ari Hershkowitz and Moshe and Hershel Avtzon for an entertaining show.
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