Friendship Circle of Brooklyn’s annual Volunteer Appreciation Event was all set in place, until corona hit. The FC team immediately switched gears and came up with innovative ways to thank the volunteers.
Vision 2020. This was the theme of Friendship Circle of Brooklyn’s orientation event at the start of the school year. Little did we know how short our vision was regarding what 2020 had in store.
Man plans and G-d plans better. The annual Volunteer Appreciation Event for the FC teen volunteers was all set in place; plans were made and vendors were booked. Well, that is, until Corona hit. When that happened, the FC team immediately switched gears, thinking of innovative and creative ideas to ensure that the volunteers would get the recognition they deserved.
First off, special swag packages were prepared and delivered to volunteers’ doorsteps. Inside, they found a thank you letter, snacks, a certificate of achievement, fun activity, and of course, an FC-embroidered cloth mask.
The event then premiered on YouTube on June 10th… with close to 300 views! Words of appreciation were shared by the FC directors, Rabbi Berel & Chani Majesky, as well as parents of FC children. Then, a few teen volunteers expressed their gratitude for their buddies, and the impact that these friendships had on them. Special remarks were delivered by public liaison, Mr. Andrew Guliani, and the lucky volunteers were then treated to a musical performance by Jeryko.
The feedback we received was phenomenal!
“Get the tissues” said the parent committee.
“I miss FC already! The package of swag was amazing. Thanks for all your hard work in making this event happen,” said a teen volunteer.
“The event was so perfect; my mom cried in middle,” said another teen volunteer.
We thank our 200 volunteers for going above and beyond this year, investing their time and energy into our community.
Special thanks to our very dedicated School Presidents for making it all happen: Sheva Bronstein, Rosie Brown, Sheina Chayo, Yehudis Goldschmid, Jenna Grossman, Devorah Leah Lipchik, and Risa Raskin.