On August 12, Mrs. Chani Majesky, Director of the Friendship Circle of Brooklyn, shared a poignant and personal story from a few years ago, on the FC Instagram page. Little did she know or expect the emotional reaction from one of her FC members.
Years ago, while lighting Shabbos candles with her daughter, Chani reminded her of the special power that this time holds; encouraging her to ask Hashem to use this time to ask Hashem to grant her all her wishes and desires. Her daughter’s response left her speechless: “Do all mothers pray for a Special Child?” When asked to explain, her daughter revealed a profound truth: “If Special Children have the highest souls, wouldn’t every family want one?”
“What a pure and unique way that my daughter saw the world. G-dliness revealed. Exactly how He intended. Seeing a person’s soul.” Chani wrote.
When Chani shared this story on social media. Esther, a young woman with special needs, responded with tears in her eyes: “I’m overwhelmed with awe… to be seen on such a high level… I’m humbled by your daughter’s words.”
As Chani responded to Esther’s emotional reaction, she shared a beautiful truth: “This is how Hashem looks at you too.” As a person that journals a lot, Esther’s entry that night was filled with a newfound realization. “My mind and eyes have been opened to a whole new light. I have never thought of myself in this way before.”
Today, the Friendship Circle of Brooklyn launched a campaign to raise essential funds for their continued impact in our community.
It kind of works like an Instacart delivery! Once you make your purchase, the goods are almost immediately delivered. But instead of groceries, Instaheart is delivering “friendship.” Whether it’s a weekly minyan, mom’s night out, or warm challah brought to the emergency room, the Friendship Circle of Brooklyn is more than just a community – it’s a family.
Today, we invite you to “Add your support to our cart!” With your generosity, FC will be able to continue their essential work for the Special Children and their families.
Donate to the “Highest Neshamos of Brooklyn,” and watch your support have a ripple effect ❤️.