Presidents Club
Every year Friendship Circle elects presidents. Presidents are involved in planning and executing motivational events for volunteers, and assist in coordinating programs such as Friends@Home and holiday awareness events, and recruit new volunteers. Presidents are also encouraged to give ideas on how to better and improve our programs and functions.
The Presidents’ Wall of Honor
2012 / 2013
- Cherry Sputz
- Devorah Drizin
- Rochel Leah Yarmak
- Shula Schwartz
- Miriam Grossman
2013 / 2014
- Leah Borisute
- Malka Kugel
- Leah Lew
- Mussie Schimmel
- Yocheved Segal
2014 / 2015
- Hinda Rapoport
- Esther Rimler
- Noami Malines
- Moussia Telsner
- Lyba Pinson
2015 / 2016
- Perl Faygen
- Moussia Telsner
- Rochel Karp
- Esti Laufer
- Hinda Herson
2016 / 2017
- Riki Rimler
- Lulu Feldman
- Sara Kugel
- Sara Osdoba
- Miriam Chazan
2017 / 2018
- Malky Laine
- Sara Kayla Schneersohn
- Chaya Sherman
- Tehila Leverton
- Chaya Deitsch
- Tova Sufrin
2018 / 2019
- Peri Rimler
- Shani Azimov
- Mashi Junik
- Nena Popak
- Tehila Leverton
- Tova Sufrin
- Moussia Kraus
2019 / 2020
- DL Lipchik
- Jenna Grossman
- Risa Raskin
- Rosie Brown
- Sheina Chayo
- Sheva Bronstein
- Yehudis Goldschmidt
2020 / 2021
- Zlati Edelman
- Aliza Feiglin
- Esty Friedman
- Yehudis Goldshmid
- Necha Wolowik
2021 / 2022
- Sarale Aber
- Hadas Popack
- Liba Raitport
- Bryna Rimler
- Shaina Rivkin
- Sheindy Marcus
- Bassie Block
- Chana Avichzer
- Menucha Heber
- Leah Schneur
- Rosie Edelman